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Lipetskenergo held a special training


IDGC of Centre — Lipetskenergo division on the site of Lebedyansky Distribution Zone held a regular training on the organization of interaction of the branch with the local authorities in dealing with emergencies, major technological disturbances associated with the threat of a power failure at low ambient temperatures.

Forces structures, responsible for managing emergencies, were involved for the training: members of the regional headquarters for the security of power supply of the Lipetsk region, the Commission on Disaster Management and Fire Safety of Lebedyansky District, Lipetsk TCC of SO UES, the task force EMERCOM and municipal authorities. The participants had 10 vehicles and a mobile diesel — generator of 100 kW available.

This time the participants had to develop their efficiency and practical skills in the alleged adverse weather conditions characterized by a sharp decrease in air temperature, precipitation in the form of wet snow and “freezing rain” and strong winds. The bad weather was the cause of wire breakage, destruction of power line poles and other disturbances at power facilities.

The training was conducted in two phases. In the first — the participants demonstrated knowledge of standard documentation and functional responsibilities, as well as practical skills in decision-making and co-ordination in the first minutes of an emergency.

During the second stage, consistent implementation of all planned activities and work was performed to restore livelihood and sustainability of social infrastructure facilities and economy.

The result of the training was to practice such skills such as the interaction of operational services, organization, and action planning, data collection on the situation and development of solutions to eliminate technological failures, checking the state of readiness of the forces and means to meet the challenges. Operating and maintenance personnel of Lipetskenergo during the training secured practical skills for filing trees, connecting the mobile diesel — generator, replacing a power line pole and a “fire” fighting of an oil transformer.

Summing up the event, deputy chief engineer of the branch in operational and technological management (Head of the Grid Control Centre) of the branch — the head of special training Andrey Arapov stressed the importance of such exercises, which are an integral condition for successful operation through the autumn-winter period, and affirmed the participants’ readiness to act in an emergency situation.

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