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Lipetskenergo supports entrepreneurship development


IDGC of Centre — Lipetskenergo division continues to work to explain the procedure of connection to electric grids. The next meeting of CRM experts of Lipetskenergo with representatives of the business community was held on the site of the Lipetsk Customer Service Centre in a round table format.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss aspects of the grid connection.

In his speech Sergey Bukarev, Head of customer service of Lipetskenergo, said about the procedure of payment for grid connection to the electric networks of the company, and the changes in the legislation. “As a customer-centric company, IDGC of Centre attaches great importance to the improvement of relations between the grid company and the customer — he underlined. — One of the ways of such interaction is round tables, aimed to increase awareness of the customer about his or her rights and obligations.”

Edward Kachura — Head of grid connections of Lipetskenergo — in his speech informed about the implementation of the investment program in the service area of ​​ the branch. “Reconstruction and construction of new power facilities — he stressed — are aimed not only to improve the reliability of energy supply, but also to create the possibility of perspective development of the Lipetsk region. The key object of the investment program in 2012 was the reconstruction of the substation ‘Bugor’, as a result of which its power has more than doubled. This will create a reserve of power that will ensure the development of the central part of the city of Lipetsk.”

The number of applications received by the branch for grid connection indicates the growing energy needs of the city, including those from small and medium businesses. During the first 9 months of 2012 Lipetskenergo received 212 applications from entrepreneurs to connect to the grid with a total capacity of about 3.7 MW.

For its part, power engineers of Lipetskenergo annually increase the availability of the technological process. To this end, the branch takes technical measures, works with customers of all types for grid connection issues. IDGC of Centre also offers clients a range of additional services aimed to improve the efficiency of interaction between utilities and consumers. For customer convenience, the Lipetsk region has three Customer Service Centres in operation — in Lipetsk, Yelets and Dankov by contacting which customers can get professional help of experts on grid connection. In addition, the information on grid connection is available on the company’s website at

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