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A single safety day was held in Tambovenergo


A safety day was held in all Districts of Electrical Networks (DENs) of IDGC of Centre — Tambovenergo division, during which the staff considered the issues of special training, conducted briefings. The main purpose of such events, which are held regularly at the branch, is prevention electric injuries, control over compliance with electrical safety and labour protection.

IDGC of Centre — Tambovenergo division is actively engaged in the preparation for the autumn-winter peak load operation period. Therefore, special attention is paid to checking compliance and safety regulations in the performance of current and complex repair of power equipment in the preparation for the autumn-winter period.

Daily employees of Tambovenergo maintain electrical installations under high voltage at high altitude, in difficult conditions, so great importance is put upon measures to prevent occupational injuries. In addition, security of power supply of all electricity consumers depends on the quality of work of power engineers on sites. In accordance with the Safety Day program practical skills of operational, operational maintenance and repair personnel were practiced to move down the victim from a pole and provide first aid.

The event participants paid special attention to providing personnel with protective equipment, state of sanitation facilities and residential premises, activities to reduce losses in networks, compliance with the work order — permit system.

The results obtained during the Safety Day will increase the responsibility of staff for compliance and safety regulations, which, in turn, will help minimize the potential for occupational injuries.

“Power engineers have a special role — to ensure the safety of their own labour and at the same time the safety of others. That’s why a lot of attention is paid to measures to prevent the occurrence of accidents at power facilities. Human life for us — the most important value. In this regard, the company is doing the best so that our employees will return home safe and sound,”- stressed the head of the production control and safety Office of IDGC of Centre — Tambovenergo division Sergey Simon.

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