Specialists of IDGC of Centre — Belgorodenergo division took part in a series of regional seminars for teachers and organizers of life safety on the topic “Building a culture of safe behaviour in life safety classes and in extracurricular activities within the context of the federal state educational standards implementation”. Power engineers focused on the need for teaching education culture of safe handling of electricity, as well as held a master class on first aid for electric shock.
The seminars, organized by the Belgorod Regional Institute of training and retraining of specialists, were held in Gubkinsky, Valuisky and Yakovlevsky districts. Their participants were 129 life safety educators and trainers from 19 districts of the region.
Prevention of electric injuries — the best way to combat it, according to the power engineers. However, the school course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” pays minimal attention to the subject. While electricity surrounds us everywhere — at home and in the street. And children, with their curiosity and lack of care, are at particular risk.
To strengthen the culture of electricity handling, and thus save the lives and health of children, may be done through regular lessons on electrical safety in all schools of the region. The power engineers made a proposal to include in the thematic planning of the subjects “Environment” and “Life Safety” a full course on electrical safety, and to hold regular extracurricular activities for electrical safety, including in middle and high schools, in the classroom hours. And, finally, to conduct extracurricular activities at the sites of distribution zones of Belgorodenergo, where children can see power facilities, safety equipment and practice first aid for electric shock victims.
In addition, to enhance the work in the field of prevention of electric injuries IDGC of Centre — Belgorodenergo division together with the regional Department of Education, Culture and Youth and the Belgorod Regional Institute of training and retraining of specialists (BelIPKPPS) for the third consecutive year has been holding a regional contest for the best lesson on electrical safety. Following the results of the contest to help teachers the power engineers together with BelIPKPPS created a textbook of methodics — a collection of the best lessons on electrical safety and a
It is hardly for anyone to have doubts about the importance and necessity of teaching children the skills of electrical safety. The power engineers are interested in it themselves. Therefore they are always ready to help schools in holding relevant lessons.