The issues of prevention and reduction of occupational accidents, occupational safety, preservation of health and lives of personnel are priority tasks in IDGC of Centre — Smolenskenergo division.
The implementation of measures for the labour protection IDGC of Centre — Smolenskenergo division spent 7,220,000 rubles for H1 2012. Of these, 1.21 million rubles were invested in the purchase of personal protective equipment, tools and accessories, 1.39 million rubles were directed to measures for the prevention of accidents, 4.53 million rubles were spent on sanitary and hygienic measures for the prevention of diseases in production and more than 90 rubles — for the improvement of labour conditions.
The branch created a system of audits of state and conditions of labour in subdivisions, Districts of Electrical Networks. Within the approved in IDGC of Centre Program to reduce the risk of injuries the branch conducts a comprehensive, thematic checks, patrols and inspections of workplaces in the days of labour.
Firstly employees’ knowledge is checked for occupational safety, inter-industry regulations on labour protection, operating rules and fire safety, as well as instructions on first aid in case of accidents at work. Monthly the central commission of the branch tests knowledge on average of 16 people, in commissions of structural units — 452. Staff has classes in the offices of labour safety and training at training centres.
In the 1st half of 2012, the work continued on providing staff with modern means of protection, including 168 first responding and maintenance crews were provided with kits of rods for installation of portable grounding devices onto overhead lines without climbing a pole both for
“The main objectives for the protection of health and safety are full provision of staff with protective equipment, development and implementation of the OSH management system, strengthening the monitoring of compliance with the requirements of regulations and safety standards”, — commented Head of Occupational and Environmental Safety of IDGC of Centre — Smolenskenergo division Alexey Gusev.