IDGC of Centre — Belgorodenergo division was awarded a diploma of degree I of the regional stage of the contest “Russian organization of high social efficiency” for winning the nomination “For the development of social partnership in organizations of the production sector”.
The jury praised the performance of Belgorodenergo as a socially responsible employer. It has a created and functioning effectively commission on regulation of social and labour relations, a collective bargaining, providing social guarantees for employees, a collective agreement in the power industry of the Russian Federation is in place. Labour rights of the staff are protected by the trade union, which includes 99.6% of workers who, in turn, participate in the management of the branch. Special attention was paid in the summing to the quality and quantity of executed under the collective agreement activities.
The collective agreement covers all areas of interaction of the employer and the employee. It fixed salary and a range of benefits, guarantees and compensation under the industrial tariff agreement in the power industry of the Russian Federation for 2012. Changes in the text of the collective agreement are made after a thorough discussion among the workforce and mutual decision of the parties. They usually relate to the health care of staff, labour protection, healthy living organization, training and staff advanced training, improvement of housing conditions, increasing wages.
The branch operates a medical-psychological centre, on the basis of which physiological and health surveys are performed to identify employees with urgent, life-threatening conditions. On an ongoing basis the Board of Veterans and Youth is in operation, career guidance of pupils and students is conducted, the program of private pensions and voluntary health insurance is in place.
For information:
The contest “Russian organization of high social efficiency” has been held since 2000 and takes place in two stages: at the regional and federal levels. Its main objective — identifying Russian organizations that effectively solve social problems, study and dissemination of their experience, the development of forms of social partnership. In 2011, IDGC of Centre — Belgorodenergo division won the prize of the federal and regional stages of the contest.