IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division summed up the implementation of the program of environmental policy for the first half of 2012. For the 6 months of this year specialists implemented 32 measures for environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources, on the implementation of which the branch spent nearly 1.7 million rubles.
One of the main objectives of the environmental policy of Tverenergo — minimizing the negative impact on the environment, as well as raising the level of environmental safety in the operation of equipment and vehicles. For the 6 months of 2012 Tverenergo allocated 381 thousand rubles on air protection and rational use of water resources, about 290 thousand rubles — on the transfer of waste to specialized organizations.
Environmental specialists constantly monitor the compliance with the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in discharges into storm drains from the territory of industrial sites and control the toxicity of exhaust gases of vehicles for CO (carbon monoxide) and HC (hydrocarbons). Power engineers monitor the collection and treatment of waste water, as well as control the storage of tires. Licensed organizations regularly hazardous receive waste for subsequent processing, recycling or disposal.
Experts of the branch pay much attention to modernization of power equipment, thereby increasing reliability of the power facilities. For the current period oil circuit breakers were replaced with sulfur hexafluoride at the substations “Azure” and “Bayou”. In addition, during the first half at the substations “Plenty”, “Stoyantsy”, “Gorodnya”, SS # 17, “Slautino”, “Ulin” Tver power engineers repaired oil-filled equipment and gravel bedding was replaced under it, repaired oil circuit breakers , transformer oil receivers, drainage devices, oil-filled bushings were replaced with solid insulation bushings.
Within the environmental policy experts of the centralized analytical and technical measurements laboratory conducted air quality control (noise) on the border of the sanitary protection zone and in the nearby houses, checked the quality of waste (storm and domestic) water and artesian water used for drinking, for not exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations and issued corresponding protocols of quantitative chemical analysis.
“Before the end of the year within the environmental policy program it is scheduled to run over 30 events in the amount of more than 2.7 million rubles. The funds will be used for the reception and treatment of waste water, production and consumption waste, development of environmental documentation, purchase of containers for separate waste storage, and plugging artesian wells. Tverenergo uses environmentally efficient technologies, conducting a range of environmental measures to reduce the impact on the environment and improve the environmental situation in general,”- stressed Head of production control and safety of the branch Oleg Golubev.