As part of the environmental policy in the first half of 2012, IDGC of Centre — Tambovenergo division effectively is performing activities to reduce the impact of negative factors on the environment and compliance with environmental regulations in the operation of power facilities. During the implementation of the environmental program about 458 000 rubles were spent on it.
The branch is working to improve the regulatory framework in the field of management of environment and natural resources. In addition, in 2012, a project on limits of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere is being developed, as well as a project of waste generation and disposal limits.
All energy facilities in Tambovenergo are constructed or repaired in strict accordance with the requirements of the federal and regional legislation in the field of environmental protection.
Modernization of power equipment is important for the implementation of environmental policy, thereby increasing reliability of the power facilities and reducing the negative impact on the environment. Oil circuit breakers, transformers, oil receivers of transformers, drainage devices are under repair, oil-filled equipment repair is being renovated and gravel bedding underneath is being replaced, oil-filled bushings are being replaced with bushings with solid insulation.
Tambovenergo experts regularly analyze the impact of power plants on the environment. Water samples for microbiological, chemical and radiological characteristics of artesian wells are taken quarterly. Wastes of hazard class IV are systematically transferred to specialized organizations for further processing, recycling and disposal.
In the first half year IDGC of Centre — Tambovenergo division bought biosorbent