An important aspect of the activity of IDGC of Centre is the work aimed at the preservation of life and health of children, prevention of electrical injuries and increasing students’ knowledge of dangers of the electric current. In the summer holidays Smolensk power engineers of the company paid special attention to the prevention work in children’s health camps.
Thematic lessons were held in several camps where experts reminded the children of the rules of behavior in the vicinity of power plants and the dangers of electric shock.
Before the beginning of the school year special commissions examined facilities of Smolenskenergo for integrity of doors, locks and the availability of signs warning of the danger. Bare entries were replaced in municipal educational institutions on for insulated ones with self-supporting insulated wire and other activities aimed at improving energy safety and reducing electrical injuries. This work takes place during the year, but in preparation for the new academic school year, the check activity rises.
“The branch continues to raise awareness among residents of the region of the rules of behavior in the vicinity of electrical installations. Power engineers establish active cooperation with the Administration of the Smolensk region and municipalities, educational authorities, the media and units of EMERCOM”, — stressed Head of production control and safety Office of the branch Vasily Gipich.
At a recent roundtable, held in the Administration of the Smolensk region, chaired by Deputy Governor of the Smolensk region Olga Vasilyeva, specific steps on how to reduce risk of injury to third parties at energy facilities were identified. Thus, the decision was made in conjunction with the Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Smolensk region on interaction of specialists of Districts Of Electrical Networks with municipal “Safety Schools”, in which a significant part of students have their training on sites of educational institutions of the Smolensk region. The Department of the Smolensk region on Education, Science and Youth pledged to take an active part in organizing and conducting a contest of social advertising (video clips, audio clips, a series of animated videos in the 2D format), designed to prevent injuries with schoolchildren and students. Deputy Head of the city of Smolensk, Alexander Bekbullatov promised to assist in the development of the theme and holding lessons with schoolchildren and students within the existing training programs on electrical safety, as well as the inclusion of the topic “Basic electrical safety” in the curriculum.