IDGC of Centre — Tambovenergo division is a bona fide taxpayer, one of the largest in the region.
In the first half of 2012 Tambovenergo transferred about 153 million rubles of taxes to the budgets of different levels and extra-budgetary funds. The budget of the Tambov region received 76.35 million rubles of taxes, to the budgets of the municipal level — about 2.7 million rubles. Also, 74.1 million rubles were transferred by the branch to extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation in the form of insurance premium payments.
The profits tax to the regional budget amounted to 32.74 million rubles, the tax on personal income — 36.7 million rubles, the property tax — 5.14 million rubles, the transportation tax — 1.04 million rubles. 2.7 million rubles were transferred to the local budget as a land tax.
The payment of taxes in full contributes to the success of economic and social programs in the Tambov region, aimed at improving the general well-being and quality of life, the development of education and culture.