IDGC of Centre — Kostromaenergo division conducted a survey of school teachers and kindergarten teachers on the effectiveness of electrical safety lessons held by the branch in these institutions in 2012. The surveys was conducted by the Department of Public Relations of Kostromaenergo supported by the Office of Education of Kostroma. 17 schools and 4 kindergartens in the city of Kostroma and Kostroma region participated in it. The purpose of questioning was to determine the quantitative measurement of the level of efficiency and interest of the classes, to get proposals on forms of lessons.
The vast majority of respondents clearly defined the need for such work on electrical safety in educational institutions. However, a differentiated analysis of the level of interest in the classes conducted demonstrated that the maximum level of 7.8 and 6.9 on a
In kindergartens classes on electrical safety are conducted by employees of Kostromaenergo mainly in the form of block games and quizzes. In 2012, these lessons are organized in conjunction with EMERCOM in the Kostroma region. In the classroom there are moments of gaming, tasks, a large number of didactic handouts: colouring books, booklets and stickers. This, of course, is of interest and increases the material accessibility.
“We are glad to cooperate with Kostromaenergo. It is good there are experts available who can tell the children about this important topic as electrical safety. With children of the preparatory group young professionals conducted physical exercises with game elements, where at breaks between exercises serious issues of electrical safety were discussed. By playing, children with the help of adults showed lightning, a kettle, a vacuum cleaner, a kite, and then told about handling electrical appliances and behavior near power facilities. To remember it the children received colourful booklets on the lesson topic to discuss it with their family members”, — stressed Director of kindergarten # 75 Ladushki" in Kostroma Irina Kvasova.
Teachers of secondary and senior classes offered to pay most attention to tours of power facilities of IDGC of Centre — Kostromaenergo division. Classes can be held by operators of substations. Fixing the knowledge gained can also be done at life safety classes, according to the respondents, in the form of a business game. In addition, it is an interesting method when classes held by students. This experience has already been tested by Kostroma power engineers at Kostroma Power Engineering College named after F.V. Chizhov.
Head of Production Control and Safety Office of the branch Vladimir Karpachev notes: “The survey results will find their application in the planning of work on electrical safety. Doing regular monitoring among employees of educational institutions in the city and region will allow to select appropriate methods of influence on children, to create not only a safe form of behavior in school and on the street, but, most importantly, respect for the power engineering profession”.