Voronezh Customer Service Centre (CSC) of IDGC of Centre — Voronezhenergo division has been taking visitors on energy supply issues for five years.
In 2007, in order to improve the efficiency of working with clients the first CSC was created in the structure of Voronezhenergo, designed to provide consumers expert assistance in various areas of the company’s activity.
Today, the competence of the specialists of the Center includes: accepting applications for grid connection to the networks of Voronezhenergo, to perform repair work, for installation and replacement of meters and other services, as well as advising consumers on a wide range of issues related to energy supply.
On the five years’ day thanks to the efforts of staff the room of the CSC was decorated. Balloons and fresh flowers in the hallway and offices of the Center created a festive atmosphere for visitors and for experts themselves.
All clients that had a request on that day in the Voronezh Customer Service Center were given gifts and visitors, in turn, congratulated the staff of the CSC with the anniversary, noting the high quality of their service.
According to Head of the Voronezh CSC Elena Nemirovich-Danchenko, today Voronezhenergo sets as one of its priorities the further development of the CSC, including through advanced training of staff, who regularly attend professional training, have seminars on modern methods of communication with customers.
You may get answers to questions about power supply in any of the 33 CTCs, operating in the territory of the Voronezh region, as well as calling the around the clock Direct Power Hot Line of IDGC of Centre at