IDGC of Centre — Kurskenergo division is implementing measures aimed at increasing the level of fire protection of the electric grid, reducing the risk of fires in power equipment. The special importance of this work is there now, as the class 4 fire rating has been declared throughout the Kursk region.
The comprehensive plan to prepare the branch to the fire-dangerous period in 2012 includes 179 actions that are performed in the time stipulated by the plan.
To prevent ground fires ROWs along power lines are cleared off tree and shrub seedlings, 196 substation (SS) are plowed around on the outer perimeter, dry grass has been cleared on the premises of 282 substations. Inspection of oil-filled equipment of SS-35-110 kV is being performed as quickly as practical.
Staff of the branch together with local fire departments conducted 30 joint trainings to practice putting out fires in the territories of
Briefings on compliance with fire safety regulations, and application of the primary means of fire extinguishing in case of fire have been conducted with the operational staff of the company.
At the beginning of the year within the fire safety program for the executive office and the DENs of Kurskenergo 129 fire extinguishers were purchased for a total sum of 100,000 rubles in addition to the existing ones, their charge is promptly made.
Daily interaction in a videoconference is organized with the Center for Crisis Management (CCM) of EMERCOM of Russia in the Kursk region. In the presence of thermal spots, a duty officer of the CMC brings information to an operator on duty promptly of the Grid Control Centre of Kurskenergo with specific binding to the terrain and the threat to infrastructure.
Deputy Director for Technical Issues — Chief Engineer of IDGC of Centre — Kurskenergo division Alexander Rudnevsky stressed: “We are actively involved in efforts to ensure fire safety conditions at our facilities in order to prevent and, if necessary, as soon as possible to eliminate the threat of fires, in order to ensure the most stable operation of power systems, reliable electricity supply to consumers”.