The Youth Parliament of the Bryansk region was created as early as in spring 2009 and is a collegial, consultative and advisory body to the Bryansk Oblast Duma and Administration of the Bryansk region on issues of youth policy. The Parliament aims to develop and submit to the government proposals to address problems of the youth, to promote the participation of young people in the implementation of priority directions of the state policy, legal and political formation of youth culture. Currently, the Youth Parliament is made up of 30 members and is formed on a competitive basis.
In 2012 the candidature of social relations specialist Pavel Tsykunov was put forward and supported to become a member of the Youth Parliament from IDGC of Centre — Bryanskenergo division.
Pavel presented his project “Promotion, implementation and dissemination of physical education in labour collectives” and spoke about projects of the social policy, being implemented in IDGC of Centre. Members of the competitive committee called the project of the specialist of Bryanskenergo one of the most relevant and meaningful.
“Membership in the Youth Parliament will positively impact on promoting the principles of the social policy of IDGC of Centre in the Bryansk region — mentions the expert of the department of social relations of IDGC of Centre — Bryanskenergo division Pavel Tsykunov. — This public work will also allow to share experiences in implementing social projects with representatives of other large enterprises”.