In order to improve the reliability of electric networks IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division pays special attention to ROW clearing and expansion along overhead power lines off tree and shrub seedlings.
For 6 months of 2012 Tver power engineers have cleared ROWs along overhead lines in over an area of 1500 hectares, totally in the current year it is planned to clear more than 4400 hectares of vegetation.
Qualitative and timely implementation of these measures results in stable operation of the electric grid, reduction of losses, reliability and safety of electricity delivery with taking into account the interests of consumers, as well as trouble-free operation through the autumn-winter period.
According to statistics, more than half of technological disturbances on
Also, power engineers had introduced another effective method — the ROW expansion along overhead lines, which drastically allows to reduce the number of tall trees falling onto wires.
Tverenergo uses three basic ways to carry out work to clear ROWs along overhead lines off tree and shrub seedlings. The most effective method is mechanized clearing — with the help of tractors. In this case all necessary fire prevention measures are complied with, and the staff is fully provided with personal protective equipment and tools.
To manually clear ROWs chainsaws of Husqvarna and Still firms are used: they are reliable, lighter than made in Russia, they are easier to use, do not require great physical exertion, and can significantly increase labour productivity.
Since 2005, the branch has successfully applied chemical method of clearing. The latter option is more efficient and economical, because its use can reduce the frequency of trimming by one and a half-two times. This method is also distinguished with the possibility of complete destruction of shrubby vegetation.
In 2012, Tver specialists are performing chemical treatment along
Tverenergo developed its long-term program to expand ROWs along
Chief Engineer of IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division Alexey Galkin especially emphasizes the importance of the activities carried out by the branch: “The expansion and clearing of ROWs, as well as cutting standing alone trees and shrubs can significantly reduce the risk of disturbances and make it possible to ensure reliable operation of the electric grid in the coming autumn-winter period. For us it is important to complete the entire planned amount of work, since it affects the quality of electricity supply to consumers in the region. Therefore, power engineers will make everything possible to execute the tasks set”.