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Representative of Belgorodenergo spoke at a meeting of the Council of young scientists and specialists of the Belgorod region

01.06.2012 Head of energy conservation and energy efficiency Office of IDGC of Centre – Belgorodenergo division, Chairman of the Youth Innovation Centre Natalia Yakshina took part in the meeting of young scientists and specialists of the Belgorod region and in the traditional meeting of the Council with Governor of the Belgorod region Evgeny Savchenko.

The networking of Head of the region and young representatives of the regional branch of science was devoted to the construction of an innovative model of economic development.

The meeting was also attended by Deputy Governor - Head of the Department of Personnel Policy Valery Sergachev, Head of the Department of Education, Culture and Youth Affairs - Deputy Prime Minister of the Regional Government Yury Kovrizhnykh and members of the Council of young scientists and specialists of the Belgorod region.

"We must do everything to make sure our region will go to the innovative path of development - stressed Evgeny Savchenko. - The economic essence of innovation is the generation and sale of goods and services, which should contain not only the industry profitability, but the intellectual component - a clear indication that the company is innovative". Governor stressed that intellectual profitability of a company is directly proportional to its innovativeness and innovation is impossible without the active support of the scientific community, young and talented scientists, capable of qualitative changes and innovations in their field. In this regard, the main task of the government and businesses - to create an environment for growth and innovation.

Head of energy conservation and energy efficiency Office of IDGC of Centre Belgorodenergo division Natalia Yakshina, who heads the Youth Innovation Centre of Belgorodenergo, spoke about the program of innovation development, approved in IDGC of Centre, and the experience of existing support for talented specialists.

The creation of Youth Innovation Centres (YIC), which should promote and implement innovative solutions to the industry, attracting talented young people to work in the power engineering sector, the development of the engineers’ training system, was initiated by IDGC Holding as one of the most effective mechanisms for the implementation of the Program of Innovative Development at the regional level.

On the site of the Belgorod branch of IDGC of Centre the YIC was established in September 2011. It should be noted that these centers of innovation development are planned to be open in most regions where IDGC of Centre operates.

"One of the objectives of the YIC – to attract the attention of the scientific community to the problems of power engineering - explained Natalia Yakshina. – To select and convey the problematic issues that arise in our work to promising young scientists in the region, to help "grow" innovative ideas and solutions and implement them in production".

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