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Tambov power engineers of IDGC of Centre congratulated their sponsored schoolchildren with the end of school year


This year, the last bell rang for the 15,000 school-leavers of the Tambov region. By tradition, the staff of Tambovenergo congratulated the pupils of special education school - boarding school # 2, which they have been sponsoring for more than twenty years.

Students, teachers and parents gathered at the celebratory assembly. Chief of Staff of Tambovenergo Andrey Remizov addressed to the audience with parting words: "Today you have great opportunities to discover. Your future success depends on the knowledge, commitment, energy and persistence. Be confident, do not retreat in case of difficulties, put in front the most ambitious goals and achieve the high peaks of life! I'm sure you will keep in mind forever these high school years, gratitude to your teachers and parents who helped to go down this road of knowledge, put their soul, shared their invaluable experience".

Director of the educational institution Nadezhda Dementieva on behalf of teachers, educators and pupils thanked the power engineers for many years of the friendship and support of educational projects: "Despite the fact that our children are deprived of the opportunity to fully experience the world of sounds, they sing with the help of gestures, dance and draw nice. They develop the same way as their hearing peers. In the last academic year, our children became winners of regional, interregional and All-Russian competitions, festivals and contests. Among the 2012 class - Candidate Master of Sports in Judo and the winner of the All-Russian competition on Greco-Roman wrestling for the disabled. I am convinced that each school-leaver will be able to find his or her own way in life".

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