In the first quarter of 2012 IDGC of Centre — Yarenergo division has performed 755 contracts for grid connection, which is 49% higher than the same period last year.
Among the grid connection facilities — 78 companies, which provided a total of 5.2 MW capacity to the branch. Still, the bulk of new customers are residential. Their total connected capacity for the period amounted to 6.9 MW.
From the beginning of the year, Yaroslavl power engineers have connected to their grid a number of social facilities in the region: a medical and midwife center in the village of Burmasovo of Uglichsky district and energy-efficient residential building with seven flats in the village of Prechistoye.
During January-March the branch has received 1619 applications for grid connection. This is 70% more than 3 months of last year. A significant increase in the number of applicants, mainly, is due to the availability of grid connection services to the public. Yaroslavl branch provides services of grid connection support, which includes a meter installation, the installation of wiring from a pole to the meter and grounding. These activities are in the area of responsibility of the applicant and Yarenergo performs them as the additional services of the Company.
The number of the concluded agreements in the first quarter of this year has exceeded the same period in 2011 by 77% and amounted to 1310 pieces. One of the largest connected facilities in 2012 will be a pharmaceutical plant of Israeli firm “Teva” LLC. The customer contract demand is 4 MW. In the future, this plant and other facilities of the Yaroslavl industrial park will be powered from the substation 110 kV “Novoselky” that is under construction.