IDGC of Centre — Voronezhenergo division held a press conference for representatives of regional and provincial print and electronic media, whose purpose was to inform the public about the activities of the branch during the autumn-winter operation period
The press conference with Voronezh reporters was held by Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre — - Voronezhenergo division director Ivan Kleymenov held together with Deputy director for development and sale of service Nadezhda Tambovtseva, Deputy director for capital construction Vladimir Shatskikh, Head of electricity delivery Office Vladimir Reshetov, Head of technological connections Office Vyacheslav Zvyagin, Deputy Chief Engineer for Operations — Head of Grid Control Centre Sergey Demidov, Deputy Chief Engineer — Head of Production Assets Management Center Alexey Burkov, Deputy Chief Engineer — Head of High-Voltage Grid Office Pavel Yanshin and Deputy Chief Engineer — Head of Distribution Grid Office Vyacheslav Antonov. To ensure the smooth operation of the grids of the branch in the autumn and winter period specialists of Voronezhenergo performed 801 preparatory actions and got their certificate of readiness to operate during the autumn and winter period on October 18, 2011. In preparation for the autumn and winter period the measures were taken aimed at implementing the plans of comprehensive repair and overhaul, ROWs clearing along conductors, vehicles maintenance, staff training and providing them with their safety features.
“The peculiarity of this autumn-winter period was two public events — the election of deputies of the State Duma and the President of Russia. In the course of their preparation and conduct some special requirements were placed on us. 1032 out of 1679 polling stations were directly connected to the grid of Voronezhenergo. But none of the stations had any interruption in electricity supply”, — stressed Ivan Kleymenov.
The number of failures in the supply of electricity to the final consumer decreased by 13 percent compared to last season. The most difficult periods for the power industry began in December when the weather forecasters and rescuers announced a storm warning six times and abnormal cold in February. During December wind gusts exceeded the established standards for the region of 25 m/s, there were cases of wet snow sticking that caused damage to poles. But despite the difficult conditions, the average time for fault isolation reduced by 20 minutes and now is just over two hours.
For every minute and every percent — a lot of work of the power engineers. In preparation for the winter the branch’s staff repaired 89 substations of
The main facilities of the construction of Voronezhenergo within the investment program was the reconstruction of SS 35/10 kV “Novaya Usman-1” to transfer to 110 kV voltage, the construction of distribution centers with 10 kV cable lines for power supply of plants of Siemens and Armax Group in the industrial park “Maslovsky” as well as the modernization of SS 110 kV “Central” (second stage).
During the past year the power engineers exceeded the target set for the branch to clear and expand ROWs. These measures helped prevent damage to lines with falling trees due to strong gusts of wind and wet snow sticking. Out of order and obsolete high-voltage insulators were replaced, as well as 28 metal and reinforced concrete poles. All these measures improved the reliability of the electric grid of the Voronezh region in peak winter loads and allowed to realize the main task of power engineers of IDGC of Centre — uninterrupted electricity supply to consumers of the regions where the Company operates.