IDGC of Centre — Yarenergo division took part in an inter-regional specialized exhibition and a youth workshop, which took place in Yaroslavl in preparation for the Yaroslavl Energy Forum III.
The Annual Exhibition “Energy and Resource Conservation. Environment” was held in Yaroslavl for the 13th time. Yarenergo is a regular participant of the event, and every year displays its latest developments and achievements in the field of electric energy transmission, energy conservation and efficiency to be judged by visitors.
This year the booth provided the information on the implementation of the federal project “Integrated distributed power generation” in which the Yaroslavl region participates as a pilot region. Yaroslavl power engineers showed the results of their work to create an automated system for commercial electricity metering, an automated system of street lighting and other activities. Some of the information at the booth referred to the Innovation Center created in 2011, which conducts scientific and organizational work to support and promote innovative projects in all regions of IDGC of Centre.
The Youth Workshop was devoted to the ideas and projects aimed at improving energy efficiency and conservation. Head of energy conservation and energy efficiency Office of IDGC of Centre — Yarenergo division Dmitry Smolyakov spoke as an expert at the event.
He spoke about the modern methods of reducing losses in the transmission of electric energy, as well as the need for reactive power compensation for 6/10, 0.4 kV voltage levels: “It’s no secret that the load conditions of residential customers and small businesses have changed significantly for the last 10 years, the electricity consumption in households per 1 sq. m. has increased by more than 3 times. The load structure has also changed — these are computers, microwave ovens, refrigerators, street lighting — all consume reactive power. For today it is needed to develop devices to compensate for low voltage levels themselves and their technical parameters”.