Staff of IDGC of Centre — Tambovenergo division conducted a lesson on electrical safety in the Krasnenskaya secondary school in the Tambov region. The program for the prevention of electric injuries at power facilities IDGC of Centre performs extensive work among population.
Particular attention is paid to electrical safety in schools. Specialists of IDGC of Centre — Tambovenergo division in anticipation of the spring break are taking a series of measures aimed at preventing electric injuries among children and adolescents. Lessons on electrical safety have become traditional and are held not only during the school year, but during the children’s leisure activities.
One of the new social partners of Tambovenergo is the Krasnenskaya secondary school, on the site of which from now lessons on prevention of electric injuries will be held regularly for adolescents. The last session was attended by more than 50 children.
Staff of IDGC of Centre — Tambovenergo division told the children that often the main cause of accidents associated with electric shock among the population, is the lack of basic knowledge of electrical safety. Scholl children learned why one must not run a kite near a power line, climb electric poles, approach wires at an unacceptably close distance. Children got as much information as possible about the warning signs on the transformer substations and other power equipment.
During the event, the children were shown videos telling about the danger of penetration into power facilities and had training on first aid to victims with electric shock. A training simulator «Gosha» was used as a visual aid. The program of training sessions on the prevention of children’s electric injuries was approved by the Board of Education and Science of the Tambov region.
Tambovenergo is aware of the need to prevent electric injuries among children and adolescents. It is essential that such complex and vital material is deposited in the memory of the schoolchildren. For this power engineers gave each child special colorful brochures and posters.
Lessons on electrical safety are one of the most important activities of the program to reduce the risk of injury to third-parties at power facilities. In addition to working with children, it is assumed to have an active interaction with the authorities, media, regulatory and supervisory authorities, law enforcement and security agencies.