IDGC of Centre — Orelenergo division implements a program to improve general working conditions. In 2011 more than 6.4 million rubles were allocated to prevent accidents, 23.5 million rubles were invested in the purchase of personal protective equipment, tools and accessories, 9.4 million rubles to improve working conditions and about 2 million rubles were allocated for sanitary measures to prevent diseases at workplaces.
Orelenergo has created a system of inspections of occupational health and safety. Special commissions monitor the implementation of the safety rules. They control daily the technical condition of vehicles before leaving the office and after returning to the parking lot. Medical examinations of drivers before their travel are regularly held, availability of safety features for work performance by mobile crews is constantly monitored. Every 5 years specialists conduct approval of work places on working conditions and injury prevention. The days of labor protection are organized monthly, which are an effective measure of preventing injuries at workplaces. Regular inspections allow the staff to evaluate their work and correct identified deficiencies.
“At special sessions with all electricians of the branch trainings are conducted that are devoted to the first aid to victims. They use a mannequin-simulator, show training films, and work out circumstances and causes of possible accidents. The whole range of activities makes it possible to keep under review the safety features of employees, as the work of power engineers involves a continuing risk to their health and life”, — stressed Head of labor protection and environmental safety department of IDGC of Centre — Orelenergo Andrey Sharin.