IDGC of Centre — Belgorodenergo division with the Department of Education, Culture and Youth Affairs of the Belgorod region on March 1 this year announces a contest of video tutorials for the prevention of electric injuries “The best lesson on electric safety”. The Belgorod Regional Institute of training and retraining of specialists acts as the coordinator.
The contest is designed to draw public attention to the work of teachers of secondary schools in the region, to stimulate their professional growth and improve the scientific and methodological work in the area of prevention of electric injuries. One of the most important tasks of the contest will be the improvement of the quality of the knowledge of pupils and kindergarten on the topic “electrical safety” and the formation of children’s culture of safe handling of electrical appliances.
The event will take place from March 1 to December 10, 2012. Teachers of technology, physics, elementary school, teachers-organizers of life safety will be able to provide their work to the jury. This year kindergartners of pre-school establishments take part in the contest. Experience of pedagogical work, as well as age of participants is not limited.
The jury will judge the winners in six categories: “The best lesson on electric safety in the preschool”, “The best lesson on electric safety in the elementary school”, “The best lesson on electric safety in the primary and high school”, “The best lesson on electric safety in teaching the subject ‘Life safety’ in the primary and high school”, “The best event on electric safety after school in the elementary school”, “The best event for electric safety after school in the primary and high school”.
To participate in the contest it is necessary up to November 5, 2012 to submit to the Office of Physical Education and Technology of the Belgorod Regional Institute of training and retraining of specialists (308007, Belgorod, Student street, 14, office #912) an application in paper and electronic formats, a video file of the lesson on DVD with no editing (resolution 720×576), the text accompanying the material comprising the development of the lesson.
In summing up the panel of judges will pay attention to non-traditional forms of the lesson, choice of the most efficient methods of training, the quality of the content of educational materials, and compliance of goals of the lesson with the content, the availability of data for digestion and activity of pupils. Much attention is paid by the jury to the application of technical training aids, teaching, distributing and multimedia materials during the lesson.
The required condition for participation in the contest is to conduct two lessons or classes for the prevention of children’s electric injuries before pupils leaving for holiday. Power engineers of Districts of Electrical Networks of IDGC of Centre — Belgorodenergo division may be involved as speakers at lessons.
The contest “The best lesson on electric safety” will be summed up in December 2012. In each category the jury will decide one winner and two prize winners, who will be awarded with diplomas and incentive prizes.