In 2011, IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division spent more than 185 million rubles on repairs, which is 30% more than in 2010.
The performance of the repair program is an important step in the preparation of the grid for the autumn and winter and summer peak loads. Quality and timely organized repairs are a guarantee of uninterrupted power supply to consumers.
Last year, Tver power engineers carried out a comprehensive overhaul of 22 substations (SS) of
One of the priorities in the repair program in 2011 of IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division was ROWs clearance and expansion along power lines. These activities are aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the electric grid operation, reduction of losses, reliability and safety of electricity delivery, taking into account the interests of consumers, trouble-free operation during the autumn-winter period. Following the results of the year, the volume of ROWs clearing in Tverenergo was about seven thousand hectares, which is higher than in 2010 by 2 times. Moreover, it is a record of the last decade.
In 2011 about 40 million rubles were allocated for the repair of vehicles, buildings, facilities, control and supervisory management, as well as relay protection and automation.
A large amount of repair work has been already approved for 2012. Tver power engineers plan to renovate 2118.6 km of 0.4 — 110 kV OPL, to perform a comprehensive overhaul of 22 substations. Particular emphasis will be still on ROWs clearing off trees and shrubs. In the coming year specialists of Tverenergo plan to clear ROWs along power lines in the amount of more than four thousand acres.
According to Deputy Director for Technical Issues — Chief Engineer of IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division Alexey Galkin, high-quality and timely repair and retrofit of power facilities are the key to reliable electricity supply of customers in the region.