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In 2011, 4 million rubles were allocated for the training of employees of IDGC of Centre - Orelenergo division


In 2011, 4 million rubles were spent by IDGC of Centre — Orelenergo division on the training of staff. 679 employees of the branch had their further education and training in various areas.

“Maintaining a high level of staff is one of the priorities of HR policy. Additional skills were received by 193 managers, 85 experts and 401 workers”, — said Head of Human Resources Office of the branch Marina Yakovenko. Power engineers solidified their skills on occupational safety, safety operation of the crane (mobile service platform), and also had their retraining and skills improvement in the specialties: tree feller, slinger, bucket operator, foreman, instructor- resuscitator, electrician of distribution networks, electrician of mobile crews, electric and gas welder and others.

Staff training is carried out according to special programs on the basis of Private Educational Institution “Orel training centre”, Training Centre “Agrostroy”, as well as in specialized advanced training institutes. Long-term contracts of the branch with Federal State Budget Educational Institution “Orel Agrarian State University” give employees the opportunity to receive special education on the job, which improves the quality and effectiveness of training.

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