The total supply of electricity by IDGC of Centre — Lipetskenergo division to the distribution networks in the region amounted to about 7, 6 billion kWh, which exceeded the previous year by 2.5%.
The actual loss of electric energy during the period amounted to 8.89% to the supply to the grid — it is 0.22% lower than in 2010. The loss reduction has been achieved through a number of technical and organizational measures. These include: the implementation of modern technologies that increase the grid transmission capacity, reliability of electricity consumers and efficiency of elimination of faults in the grid. The construction of new lines, including cable, replacement of old transformers and equalizing loads of transformer substations, installation of modern metering devices and more contributed to optimization of the grid operation.
“Once again I want to encourage residents of the region for civilized power consumption. The fewer cases of unauthorized consumption, the higher the quality of power supply, and thus our quality of life”, — stressed Head of electric energy transmission Office of the branch Sergey Vetrov.