Uninterrupted power supply of strategically important social facilities with provision of redundant power sources is one of the priority tasks set for the district authorities by the headquarters on the security of power supply in the Orel region. This work is necessary for successful completion of the autumn-winter peak loads.
24 specialists in electric facilities of educational institutions, administrations and municipal companies, healthcare facilities and housing and communal services from 10 districts of the region had their short courses.
As part of the task implementation of the headquarters the training was held on the site of the Orel training facility for personnel responsible for electric grid facilities operation in districts of the region, who are assigned to perform temporary connection of diesel power stations (DPS). The seminar was held at the initiative of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Orel region, Head of infrastructure Denis Orlov with direct involvement of Head of Orelenergo — Vice-Chairman of the Headquarters Alexander Letyagin.
The trained professionals in electric facilities are to supply electricity to socially important consumers in case of emergency power outages. The division has concluded agreements with 19 district administrations of the region on interaction and provision of (moving) standby power. Now there are 8 DPS in Orelenergo (a fixed station to ensure the uninterruptible operation of the Grid Control Centre and 7 mobile ones). At this point the division has solved the issue of purchasing 43 diesel power sets for the emergency stock of Orelenergo within the target program of IDGC of Centre. At the moment, the delivery of the equipment required for power engineers to ensure trouble-free passage of the period of maximum load has begun.
The seminar addressed the issues of safety, rules and techniques of switching in electrical installations. Practical skills of switching generators were demonstrated by Engineer of analysis and production management Department of Orelenergo Alexander Voronin. He answered questions related to the operation of electrical generators. Workshops for connection, start-up and shut-down of the generator were held for the participants.