The size of investments in the execution of the repair campaign for 10 months this year in IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division has amounted to more than 156 million rubles.
As part of the repair program for the reporting period a major overhaul of 22 substations (SS) of
From the beginning of the year more than 1970 km of overhead lines
Within the implementation of the repair program particular attention is paid to ROW clearing, as falling trees onto electrical wiring is the most common cause of electricity outages, especially during natural anomalies. The experience of “freezing rain” this year showed the need for large-scale ROW clearing along overhead lines. The planned amount of ROW clearing in Tverenergo for the current year is more than 40% of the total area of ROW clearing along overhead lines in the service area of IDGC of Centre. 7,000 hectares of ROWs along power lines has been already cleared — and this is a record of the last decade.
About 32 million rubles were allocated for the repair of motor vehicles, repair of buildings and structures, means of dispatching and technological control and relay protection and automation. Much attention was paid to safety. To date, all crews are equipped with electric protection tooling and special clothing.
Deputy Director for Technical Issues — Chief Engineer of IDGC of Centre — Tverenergo division Alexey Galkin noted: “Quality and timely organized repair work can reduce the number of emergency situations, improve the reliability of power supply and ensure the safety of electricity supply facilities of the Tver region”.