As part of IDGC of Centre Program for Development of energy saving and energy efficiency for 9 months 2011 Yaroslavl power engineers have installed 5 336 electricity smart meters. Installation works are under way in most districts of the region. According to the plan by the end of the year 7 350 meters will be installed.
The installation of meters is part of the Federal Law №
Each meter is a part of a high-tech system for commercial metering of electricity. Its main feature is the automatic remote transfer of data on kilowatt-hours consumption. Consumers can always keep track of their consumption for each day and total for the month. Metering electricity consumption by time of day use allows saving with the cost difference between the “day” and “night” rates.
With smart meters Yarenergo specialists receive information about current, minimum and maximum value of phase voltage, load profile, active and reactive power and other parameters. All events are recorded in the electronic log with exact time and date in the non-volatile memory of meters.