In the Rybinsk front office of IDGC of Centre — Yarenergo division roundtable discussions for existing and potential customers of the division have been held. During the event, residents of Rybinsk received all the needed information on the technical connection to the grid of Yarenergo, installation of electrical energy meters and additional services rendered by the division.
Head of operation and development of metering systems Department of the division Anastasia Tsvetkova had a presentation for the round table participants on modern electronic and digital electricity meters. She explained the legal requirements for the electrical energy metering, and told about the benefits of the implementation of modern metering systems. Customers were interested in the technical features of installation, operation principles, additional features, cost of replacement and installation of a new metering device and its calibration and sealing.
The next topic of discussion was the technological connection to the electric grid of the division. Power engineers told the customers in detail about what documents are needed to process the application and agreement for connection to the grid of Yarenergo and technical measures that the owner of the facility shall perform. Implementation of activities of technological connection in the customer’s service area is one of the most popular value-added services of the division.
“Such events help to establish the feedback relationship between utilities and electricity consumers. Today we have learned what is important for our customers in the electrical energy metering and issues of technological connection. This information will help us to efficiently build our work in accordance with the needs of our customers to make the services of the division highly available and in demand”, — noted Acting |Head of customer interactions Office of IDGC of Centre — Yarenergo division Elena Sosnina.
On all matters relating to electricity supply, you may call the 24/7 Direct Power Hot Line of IDGC of Centre at