Since the beginning of 2011 IDGC of Centre — Kurskenergo division has had more than 1,700 power engineers trained — that is more than 60% of the personnel of the division.
In the present electricians servicing distribution networks of
During the lessons electricians train procedures for measuring the loop “phase-zero”, exploring the principle of operation of equipment, recently appeared in the utilities industry, i.e. voltage boosters, reclosers, pole mounted substations and installation, operation and maintenance of overhead lines with self-supporting insulated conductors.
Significant place in the training program is given to the protection, safety features at maintenance and repair of electrical networks and fire prevention measures in the DEN. The training session is finalized with the software for power engineers “Centurion”.
Maintaining a high level of the staff is a priority of the human resources policy IDGC of Centre. IDGC of Centre — Kurskenergo division focuses on training, which is aimed at improving safety and development of professional competence of employees. By the end of the year more than 200 power engineers will have been trained at the division.