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Belgorodenergo has received its certificate of readiness for the autumn-winter period


On the seventh of October, Deputy Chief Engineer for electric grid facilities management of IDGC of Centre, Evgeniy Turapin handed over to Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre — Belgorodenergo division, Victor Filatov, certificate of readiness for the autumn-winter 2011-2012 number 1.

This special event was preceded by the careful preparation of the division to work for the period of low temperatures and regular monitoring of the power facilities condition by commissions composed of specialists of the Department of Technical Inspection of IDGC of Centre, Upper-Don Office of Rosthekhnadzor, a subsidiary of SO UPS Belgorod TCC and EMERCOM in the Belgorod region and Belgorodenergo employees.

On the eve the commission of IDGC of Centre summarized the final results and today the Act of readiness of Belgorodenergo to work during the period of low temperatures was signed, according to which the division received the main proof of the readiness of the division’s electric grid facilities for the winter.

Preliminarily the certificate of readiness for the autumn-winter period (AWP) 2011-2012 were presented to all Districts of Electrical Networks of the division, as well as services of substations, power lines, electrical malfunction diagnostic, relay protection and automation, Grid Control Centre and other structural units responsible for reliable power supply in the region during winter loads. All units are prepared for the winter in full and with due care.

Presenting the certificate of readiness, Evgeniy Turapin noted the high quality of all the necessary measures taken by the division: “The preparation of Belgorodenergo for the autumn-winter period was in strict accordance with the relevant regulation. To date, all planned activities have been performed, and the division is ready for the autumn-winter period”.

First Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Development of the Belgorod region Alexey Shuleshko, Chairman of the committee on state regulation of prices and tariffs in the Belgorod region Roman Tkachenko, Head of the state energy supervision and supervision over GTN of the Belgorod region of Upper-Don Office of Rosthekhnadzor Ivan Zinovyev also took part in the ceremony of presenting the certificate of readiness.

“Power engineers always perform their job at a high level, and it allows to occupy leading positions in various areas of development — First Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Development of the region Alexey Shuleshko noted. — Thanks to the timely modernization and technical upgrading of the distribution grid complex it provides reliable and quality supply of electricity to consumers in the region. It is not less important that solving production problems the top management of IDC Center does not forget about the staff the division, creating decent working conditions for them and ensuring their social protection ”.

In preparation for AWR Belgorodenergo has fully formed its emergency stock, employees are provided with special equipment and new equipment for rescue and restoration operations. Operational and maintenance crew personnel have had their emergency response trainings on elimination of outages at low temperatures, formed mobile crews that can be quickly directed to any point on the field for assistance to areas affected by a disaster. The schedules of unplanned electricity consumption limitation have been developed, agreed and approved and availability of back-up power supply has been checked.

A large amount of work has been done pursuant to maintenance and investment programs, and programs to modernize and improve the reliability of power equipment. Power engineers have repaired about 4 thousand km of power lines, 87 high voltage and 989 transformer substations. More than 176 million rubles have been spent on the repair programs. Over 1240 ha of ROWs along overhead power lines were cleared of tree and shrub shoots and expanded.

In order to prevent the growing electricity consumption from affecting the reliability of power supply to the region’s residents, and to have the reserve power to match the economic development pace, Belgorodenergo is constantly developing the energy sector of the region.

The following large substations have been reconstructed this year: 110/ 6kV “Belgorod”, supplying electricity to large individual housing estates and socially important facilities of the regional center, 110 kV “Chemical plant” located in the town of Shebekino and providing electric power to most of the consumers of the town, “Goodness-Paint ” Plant and Belgorod Plant of sapphires “Monocrystal”- growing and processing of mono crystal sapphires,"Suction-tube dredge" in Belgorodsky, “Zozuly” in Borisovsky, “Golovchino” in Graivoronsky districts, as well as substation “Rakitnoe-110” and 6 more substations located in Valuisky, Prokhorovsky, Korochansky districts and the city of Gubkin.

To improve the power supply reliability and connectivity for new customers Belgorodenergo has constructed and reconstructed 802 km of which 184.5 km are in the districts of individual housing for 9 months of this year.

Only this year 10 157 individuals and 1676 legal entities have called the division on contracting new connections. About 60% of them have been already fulfilled. 34 districts of individual housing estates have been connected to the grid and supplied with electricity. The greatest number of homes connected in the residential neighbourhood South-Western of the city of Belgorod, Northern of the city of Stary Oskol, Novosadoviy-26, Novosadoviy-41, Northern- 20, Northern-20A, Maysky-8, Tavrovo-15/1, Tavrovo −15/2, Tavrovo-15/A, Razumnoye-22A, Razumnoye-22B, Razumnoye-54 of Belgorodsky district. Power lines are being built by housing programs for young families, veterans and orphans, “Family dairy eco-farms”, “Poultry” and “Domestic milk” and “Green Capital”.

Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre — Belgorodenergo division director, Victor Filatov, noted that the certificate of readiness proves the commitment of the division for uninterrupted supply of electricity in periods of low temperatures. The preparation for the autumn-winter period includes a number of organizational and technical measures aimed at improving the reliability of electric grid facilities of IDGC of Centre in the Belgorod region.

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