The Repair Program of seven months has been completed at IDGC of Centre — Bryanskenergo division for 104 per cent. For seven months in the preparation for the winter period 6 substations of
The main difference between the repair program this year is the principle of its creation. If in the past years the basis for creating was the long-term schedules of repair, then the repair program for 2011 was made based on evaluation of equipment condition. The program includes electrical, with a low index state.
In Bryanskenergo for several years in preparing equipment for winter emphasis is made on complex repairs, which include works in the light of technological connections with other electrical installations. When carrying out repairs a whole range of works is performed. As a result, the reliability of electricity supply under the influence of contrary weather conditions typical for autumn-winter periods increases.
Deputy Director for Technical Issues — Chief Engineer of Bryanskenergo, Alexander Kosarev, notes the efficiency of complex repairs, which for several years in the company has been the main way of preparing equipment for the autumn-winter period. Thanks to more efficient use of labor and reduction of transportation costs significant savings are achieved when performing them.