In preparation for the autumn-winter period specialists of IDGC of Centre — Tambovenergo pay special attention to work on ROW clearing from trees and shrubs along its power lines. For seven months in 2011 the power men cleared 226.3 hectares ROW along the overhead power with the planned 214.3 hectares. The actual execution of the ROW expansion amounted to 11.5 hectares. This figure is 15% higher than planned. ROW clearing along power lines (PL) is performed both using own resources and in accordance with contracts.
In 2011 IDGC of Centre — Tambovenergo division first began to apply the utilization technology of logging residues after ROW clearing by grinding into chips using a mulching machine. This method consists of a mechanized method of disposal of forest residues. Such an application of the mulching machine also allows solving the problem of ecologically safe and prompt disposal of forest residues, which is especially important in a fire period.
«Much of the ROWs of overhead power lines pass through woodland. Trees and shrubs growing in close proximity to the wires of overhead power lines can cause technological failures in electric power facilities. That is why the work to bring the width of ROWs to normative values and ROW clearing is one of the most important conditions for ensuring the necessary level of reliability of the high voltage electric grid. «As a result of activities the reliability of power supply of the Tambov region will be significantly improved», — noted the Deputy Director for Technical Issues — Chief Engineer of IDGC of Centre- Tambovenergo division, Alexander Zamotay.