A campaign to approve single (joint operation) tariffs for electricity transmission has been completed in IDGC of Centre. Required gross revenue for 2014 was approved in the amount of 80 481,9 million RUB. Average growth of the joint operation tariff against the previous year amounted to 3,64%.
According to the Forecast of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, for 2014 it was decided not to index the tariffs of natural monopolies, including for services of grid companies, and in subsequent years to provide for their indexation at the level of last year's consumer price growth. At the same time Federal Law dated 06.11.2013 № 308-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Electric Power Industry" (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law № 308-FZ) from 01.01.2014 does not allow lease of the Unified National Power Grid facilities to territorial grid companies, except for some regions where there is a high proportion of large industrial customers, whose power installations are connected to such facilities (in the service area of IDGC of Centre it applies to the Belgorod, Kursk, Lipetsk and Tambov regions). For such consumers until 01.07.2017 the single rate (HV-1) is introduced based on the phased reduction of the load of cross-subsidization. In order to compensate for the shortfall in income of grid companies Federal Law № 308-FZ provides that tariffs for electricity transmission (except for HV1 customers) may be increased from January 1, 2014 no more than seven percent of their level as of December 31, 2013.
Within the tariff campaign executive authorities to compensate "shortfall in income" of grid companies, resulting from implementation of Federal Law № 308-FZ, provided additionally to the Forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development the increase of tariffs for the transmission of electric energy for other customers. The final value of the average joint operation tariff for electricity transmission in 2014 amounted to 1 466,65 RUB/MWh, while the required gross revenue was approved at the level of 80 481,89 million RUB, and the forecasted level of productive supply reached 54 874,49 million kWh.
More information about the approved tariffs for electricity transmission can be found at: http://www.mrsk-1.ru/ru/clients/transmission/price/