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IDGC of Centre has been assigned the status of an electricity supplier of last resort in the Tver region


According to Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation № 210 dated April 25, 2013 IDGC of Centre was given the status of an electricity supplier of last resort in the Tver region. The assignment of the supplier of last resort status was made by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Main provisions of the functioning of retail electricity markets, approved by Resolution of the RF Government № 442 of May 4, 2012, in connection with the deprivation of OJSC «Tverenergosbyt» of the status of a subject of the wholesale market of electric energy and power.

«IDGC of Centre has already similar experience,» stated General Director of IDGC of Centre Oleg Isaev. «In the three regions where the company was given responsibility of a supplier of last resort, in the shortest possible time a number of measures was taken aimed at the organization of retail activities, and relevant structural units began to work.»

Since February 1, 2013 IDGC of Centre has been successfully performing the functions of a supplier of last resort in the Kursk, Bryansk and Orel regions. According to the results of work in February — March 2013 the volume billed on electricity supply contracts amounted to 4.3 billion rubles and grew up on the same period of the previous year by 7%, and along this the reduction of electricity losses compared to last year by 16.3 million kW/h or 0.5% was achieved. Consumers in the customer service centers, whose number has increased, were offered additional services. The customer can pay not only the bill for electricity, but also apply for grid connection, order the installation of the meter etc.

In addition the company also performs systematic work to recover the debt of consumers before power retail companies deprived of the status of a supplier of last resort. For 2 months of the activity of IDGC of Centre as a supplier of last resort the debt payable has decreased by 25%.

In connection with the assignment of the status of a supplier of last resort in the Tver region IDGC of Centre has set up operational headquarters. In view of the experience gained by the company in taking up the retail functions in the Bryansk, Kursk and Orel regions, a plan of priority measures has already been formed.

From tomorrow, staff of the deprived of the retail status company will start being employed by IDGC of Centre, now the creation of new full-time jobs and IT-infrastructure is under way. Specialists of IDGC of Centre will also perform operational verification of meter readings for consumers — individuals and legal entities.

In the mainstream media of the Tver region a campaign has been planned to inform consumers about the change of the supplier of last resort in the region, as well as the fact that the transfer of the functions of the supplier of last resort to IDGC of Centre will not result in any changes in tariff rates.

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