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Corporate Secretary of Rosseti Centre is appointed and dismissed by General Director of the Company based on a decision of the Company’s Board of Directors.

Corporate Secretary is functionally subordinate to the Board of Directors. Administratively Corporate Secretary in accordance with the organizational structure reports to the Company’s General Director.

Corporate Secretary is accountable to the Company’s Board of Directors, who annually, not later than 10 (ten) calendar days prior to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, evaluates the work and approves the report on the work of Corporate Secretary.

Functions of Corporate Secretary:

  1. participation in ensuring the Company’s interaction with regulators, trade organizers, the registrar, other professional participants of the securities market within the powers assigned by an employment contract with Corporate Secretary;
  2. promptly informing the Company’s Board of Directors of all detected violations of the Russian Federation legislation, as well as the provisions of the Company’s internal documents, the observance of which relates to the functions of the Company’s Corporate Secretary;
  3. participation in the Company’s interaction with its shareholders, and in the prevention of corporate conflicts in the implementation of procedures set by the legislation of the Russian Federation and internal documents of the Company for ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of shareholders, control over their execution within the powers assigned by an employment contract with Corporate Secretary;
  4. participation in the organization of preparation and holding of the General Meeting of Shareholders in accordance with the procedure established by the Company’s internal documents;
  5. participation in the implementation of the Company’s policy to disclose information, as well as providing storage of the Company’s corporate documents within the powers assigned by an employment contract with Corporate Secretary;
  6. participation in the improvement of the system and practice of corporate governance by submitting relevant proposals to the responsible structural unit of the Company;
  7. providing the current activity of the Board of Directors;
  8. ensuring the current activity of Committees of the Board of Directors (performance of the functions of Secretary of the Committees of the Company’s Board of Directors in accordance with the Regulations on the Committees of the Company’s Board of Directors).