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Dear parents! IDGC of Centre warns!

30 December 2016

According to statistics, the number of injuries among children and adolescents during holidays is greatly increased. The main causes of tragic accidents are self-indulgence and lack of knowledge of basic electrical safety rules. What do you remind a child of, letting him or her for a walk?

1. Please, tell your child about the dangers of launching fireworks under power lines. Careless actions in protected zone of power lines and substations can lead to breakage of wire and, as a consequence, to an electrical accident.

2. It is dangerous for children to play near open transformer substations, and even more dangerous - to penetrate them! The equipment is under very high voltage.

3. Prohibit your child voluntarily to switch on illumination both in the street and at home, as well as to touch wires and illumination light bulbs as wire insulation loses its original properties over time. Do not disassemble a garland, when plugged in, pull or bend wires, hide them behind metal pipes and heat radiators.

4. One must not touch reinforced concrete power line poles, since the facility can be energized in the event of a technical failure.

5. One must not climb poles and a garage roof with uninsulated wiring. It is prohibited to enter technical basements of houses, where there are wires and communications. Do not open switch boards of staircases and entry power panels in buildings.

6. Please, remember yourself and tell your children that it is life-threatening to approach broken wires closer than 8-10 metres. Around the conductor there is a danger zone "step voltage", which one must leave only with "goose" step.

7. It is mortally dangerous to do selfi near power facilities. It is strictly forbidden to climb an electricity pole, to use a selfie stick near electrical equipment. There is great risk not to calculate the length of the monopod and get under high voltage, as electricity can kill even in the absence of direct human body contact with the wire. Placing a monopod above your head, likes hunters reduce the distance to electrical conductive elements, exposing themselves to mortal danger.

8. When there is wire breakage, sparking, damage to poles, insulators, unsealed or damaged doors of transformer substations or electrical panels to avoid accidents is necessary to immediately notify the power company by the "hot line" phone at 8 800 50 50 115. The call is toll-free.

9. Signs placed on electrical installations or posters warn about the danger of electrical shock. Please, pay attention to the warning signs: "Stop! High Voltage! Danger", "Danger- Keep out!". This is not just a word, but a warning of the real threat.

Please, protect your children!

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